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Humble Auto Group

The Full Story

We have lots of ideas, energy and passion about making the world a healthier, greener place to live. Over the coming months (and years), our plan is to:


  1. Set up a thrift store with health food cafe to help raise additional money to plant trees. 

  2. Build community centers and food parks that are free and open to the public.

  3. Start an eco-friendly, upcycle wrecking yard for all the junk cars that aren't able to be restored.

  4. Purchase some land that we can turn into a reserve here for bees and animals that cannot be sold.

  5. Start a micro greens business.

  6. Expand our project to Portland, Austin, Santa Cruz, Asheville, etc., and then the tropics so that we can bring money over to their tree planting projects and education.

  7. Create permaculture, biodynamic food forests. Permaculture because it's in harmony with nature and biodynamic, because we want to focus on super quality, nutrient-dense soil so the fruit we grow is very high quality and full of nutrients for our bodies.

Finally, if all our dreams come true, we will open a few retreat centers around the world in paradise to bring back the way of Eden, so you can go there and eat living foods and fruit fresh off the trees, which is known in the health community to cure almost anything.

Our Vision: About
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